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Write LA - New Season, Big Changes


Welcome to new beginning of sorts for the Write LA script competition. We’re changing a few things, and I figured I’d explain why!


For a start – we’re open for entries now! Yes, we’re 3 months earlier than last time. Yes, we’ll be closing 3 months early too. This one’s easy to explain. I created this competition, I run it, I read most of the scripts, and the buck stops with me in every way. I realized this year that my busiest months are June, July and August – which is exactly the time my twin teenage girls are on summer vacation. Why am I doing that, when they are in 10th grade, and in about two seconds will be off to college doing incredible things without me?


When I realized no-one was forcing me into this timetable, I decided to change it, so I could spend more time with my kids. It’s that simple!


As I thought about changing schedules, I also took a moment to think about our prizes, and the overall goal of the competition. You know, the whole ‘why are we here’ contemplation.


We started this competition to help writers. In whatever ways we can. Are we doing enough?  After much thought, I decided we could do more. So we made two pretty significant changes.


First, we’re adding a cash prize. We’ve reduced our winners from 5 to 3 – and each winner will get $500 on top of being read by Managers, and all the other prizes. As someone who has entered many competitions over the years, I admit I was hesitant to add the cash prize – there are plenty of…let’s go with slightly less reputable…screenplay competitions that offer some cash and nothing more. I’ve won one of those. Got the check, and a promise of access, and that was all. I kinda associated cash with not super classy. And you know we always try to be classy.


But let’s face reality…the dream of being a ‘hollywood’ screenwriter took a hit during the writers’ strike and pretty much most of 2024. Those of us clinging to the dream often struggle financially – especially when trying to carve out time to create. So in the interests of doing what we can to help – we’re offering a little extra cash to our winners. I know it’s not life changing, and I promise if I find a billionaire willing to sponsor a larger cash prize, you’ll be the first to know. But it’s better than nothing.


The other big change – we’ve slashed the fee for written feedback. When I say ‘slashed’ I mean a 40% reduction. Why? Because feedback matters. And mine is somewhat unique in the screenwriting competition world. Not only because I personally write it all (I really do – ask my kids), but also because I don’t simply give you a review of your pages. I spend most of my time trying to help you find ways to make your next draft even better. Again, I’ve entered plenty of comps with a script I thought was strong, only to have it fall at the first hurdle. And I’m left wondering why. I read many scripts where I wish the writer had given me a chance at identifying areas they can look at to quickly elevate their pages.

I’m good at what I do. I’m here to help, and the fee for truly helpful feedback is cheap. I hope more writers use those facts for their own benefit.


Off we go into our 9th season of Write LA. I want to thank you for your support and encouragement. The positive emails I get from writers really make a difference. I am grateful, excited to leap into the holiday season with something to sell (don’t forget my book!), and really curious to see what happens.


Above all – I want to encourage you to keep writing. You chose to do this for a reason…hold onto that passion, no matter what’s going on outside of your house/coffee shop/imaginative brain. I look forward to reading your words!

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