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Announcing Write LA 3.0 – Our Best Prizes Yet!

Write LA is back for our third season, and we’re making some changes that we’re really excited about! We’re confident Write LA 3.0 is going to be our best competition yet.

We’ve listened, we’ve learned, and we want to make the prizes as valuable for writers as possible. So this year we’ll have one winner, five finalists, and fifteen semifinalists, all of whom will get a lot of love and attention.

A quick note about COVID-19: Our prize package involves a trip for the winner to Los Angeles this November. We realize now isn’t exactly the best time to be making plans for trips, but we’re also hopeful that our world will be much healthier come November. If that’s not the case, we’ll work with whoever wins to come up with an alternate or postponed prize package of similar scope and value. Long story short: Virus be damned, we’ll make winning this thing worth your while.

Here are the biggest improvements we’re making for 2020:

1. A new focus on helping the winner and finalists LAND REPS

You told us you want a prize that delivers industry access. We’re excited to partner with Roadmap Writers who will work with all our finalists to help them connect with quality reps interested in reading their work. Roadmap has helped secure representation for over 100 writers so far, and we’re hoping to push that number even higher!

2. A bigger, MORE CUSTOMIZED prize package for the winner

Our Write LA winner will be flown to Los Angeles to spend two free nights at our glamorous and super cool sponsor, The Standard Hotel in Hollywood.

We’ll set up TWO Q&A MEETINGS with industry pros selected by us particularly for that writer. So, for example, if you’re a horror feature writer, we’ll do what we can to get you in a room with a horror producer. We can’t tell you right now who you’ll meet, because we haven’t read your script yet! But know that we’ll do everything in our power to make these meetings AWESOME.

(Have a look at our track record from seasons one and two – a Warner Bros Studio exec, a showrunner, a network TV writer – not to mention all the awesome people Tim has gathered over the years for LiveRead/LA.)

3. The winner’s ENTIRE SCRIPT will be read at our Grand Prize Event

Our 2020 winner will get to hear their entire script read by amazing, professional actors on stage. We’ll invite all our favorite people, including industry folk, and you can do the same.

4. The reading will be VIDEO RECORDED and posted online

Our aim is to give you something professionally filmed and edited, so you not only have proof of your victory, but a sweet calling card as you build your writing profile.

5. A new software sponsor – FINAL DRAFT

We’re thrilled that Final Draft will be awarding a copy of Final Draft 11 to all five finalists this year!

6. A new way to enter – on COVERFLY

We realize different writers have different favorite submission platforms, and we heard your requests, so this year you’ll be able to enter Write LA through either FilmFreeway or Coverfly.

7. A new LOGO

Our new look reflects our true personality – and our love of palm trees. We’re embracing the fact that we’re small but mighty, which lets us connect on a more personal level with our entrants.

Also, we dropped the slash in Write LA, because search engines and stuff.

8. More love (and GIFTS) for writers

We’ve always had love for fellow writers, but this season we’re going to show it even more with giveaways from our amazing sponsors – like books from Michael Wiese Productions! There will also be discounts throughout the submission season, and who knows what else.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and sign up for our mailing list for chances to win free crap!

As you can tell, we’re rather excited for our re-vamped Write LA 3.0, and we hope you are, too.

The 2020 season opens on April 15 and closes June 15.

So don’t tell us you didn’t know. Because now you do.

Write your heart out!

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