We just launched a free mini contest on the Screenwriting subReddit. This is your chance to win a free entry to Write/LA.
Here are all of the details:
Some of you may have participated in the mini Logline Contest that we – the team behind Write/LA — held a month ago. Well, we’re at it again, but this time we’re looking for AMAZING CHARACTERS.
In the comments below, describe the most compelling, creative, entertaining character you’ve ever come up with. The two characters with the most up-votes on Friday at noon PDT will win FREE ENTRIES to Write/LA! The five runners up will all receive codes for 50% off.
Please limit yourself to three entries, and make each entry its own comment.
Other than that, no restrictions! Be as descriptive or brief as you like (though I imagine your fellow writers will reward brevity). Be friendly and supportive by up-voting the characters you like best. Tim Schildberger and I will be checking in regularly and up-voting characters that we like, too.
Have fun!
And don’t forget that the Write/LA extended deadline is on 8/8 – both features and pilots welcome!
Head over to Reddit to enter! Best of luck!